You can take as many as you want but they will only give you the screwing direction.
Odin wanted to keep it 'Loki'.
This joke. PS: You don't think so Prove me wrong.
None. They'll sit in the dark and blame the Jews
One. We're efficient not funny!
Just two. One to explain to the public that everything possible is being done to solve the problem, and the other to screw the lightbulb into the water faucet.
Only one, but he'll just hire a ghostwriter to do it for him.
None. It will happen itself.
None, they just watch it burn out and follow it around for 30 years.
A woman will buy something on sale even if she doesn't need it. A man will buy something he needs at full price. Then, what is the difference between a black woman and a black man? The black woman will steal something she doesn't need. The black man goes to jail because you can't hide diapers under a shirt.
Thanks I needed that.
He had a loco motive.
What did the computer Engineer say when he saw his favorite drink? ICT