The sound you make 10th floor " AHHHHHHHHH " 1st floor " AHHHHHHHHHH "
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Falling from the 1st floor: SPLAT! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Falling from the 10th floor: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! SPLAT!
1st floor : Splat, aaaaaahhh 10th floor: aaaaahhhh, Splat
A 1st grader was resisting a rest.
Because he ran ahead.
Because Bill threw a mattress at him.
I never take drugs. - I say stay away!! Or the drugs will fall from the table!!
Bum-bum tssh!
ssssssssssss boom! baaaaaaaah!
A: SPLAT!!! He didn't.
One's a cunning runt.....
It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out."