Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
With clickbait, of course!
clickbait --
clearly, you wouldn't know...
Clickbait. Edit: Added a space which triggered someone.
Just grab this electrical cable. Then what happens WHAT HAPPENS NEXT WILL SHOCK YOU!!!!!
Not like this.
A master-baiter
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
I started to laugh, but then I stopped. How do cheese strings work
He kneaded the doe. (Doesn't work too well in text)
Naughty pine
A Casual Tee.
Get out of my son.
The drummer.
A Brazilian.
None, that's a hardware issue.
A: They're doing research on black holes.
Your ex.
Stevie Wonder when he answers the iron.
Trick question, you can't cross a vector and a scalar.
Someone who lies awake at night if there really is a dog.
Because there's a *tree* in the way!
Eric Clapton wouldnt let a bag full of cocaine fall off the window