Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
A worm hole
Because other people took the bait.
This isn't a good joke.
One baits his hooks while the other hates his books.
Everyone knows you're a master baiter!
With a gummy worm as bait
One baits his hook the other hates his book.
Super Bait
Couple's Daily Question Mug
She didn't want an ex Ray Edit: I meant debra
He wants to get ruff
Oh, I do not know, DIABETES MAYBE!"
The big hand touches the little hand.
Because he was hooked on worms.
You don't get a lollipop afterwards :/
Me: And you're to blame 911: Pardon Me: You give love a bad name 911: I'm hanging up
Because they were Ionic.
Cuz it was yellow and appealing! Sorry if this is bad. Seen too many of the same jokes here and I wanted to add an original joke.
Clickbait. Edit: Added a space which triggered someone.
With clickbait, of course!
Finding 1 dead Baby in 100 trash bins.
I don't have a Ferrari in my garage.
Because he would just go home and master bait.
Well, you're standing naked in my closet..."