I don't know either. It must be out-of-this-world.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
He joins AARP
It would've just been "mas".
The police came and took statements but ultimately Mrs. Claus declined to press charges. OC
You get repercussions
You get milk.
It was an explosive success
Udder destruction!
They Leave a Trail of Tears
They ketchup.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
He stopped making cents.
They lowered his coffin, took it out, flipped it the other way round, then lowered it again.
Dank god
They went down the drain.
The doctor had to heal-ium.
The gun gets triggered.
Cher nob'll fall out.
It was Lufthansa plane
He went back to square one....
He would continue to be a state-sponsored terrorist whose actions disgrace us all.
He became Sir Loin
He sat in his own pew.
I reddit.
You get kicked out of the petting zoo.
You owe them an anthrapology
He gets stoned.. Badum tsss
He burned his lips on the exhaust pipe.
They Argon...
It gets toad away
People laughed, because it was a good joke.
and I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you medaling kids!"
He is finnished. Ha ha ha. God I am so depressed. :(
You get Halo-tosis. :-/
No IT guys change light bulbs, they just keep flicking the switch on and off again until something happens.
He found the apple was a surprisingly down-to-Earth kinda guy.
The plot thickens.
He was ill.
To be put out.
He suffered an elegiac reaction.
It staged a coup
an innocent bystumbler
The steaks are high
He's born with Diss-lexia
Sorry, repost
you get a VHS tape.
An amber alert was issued
She has a hispanic attack
I don't know, I've never tri
He gets taller
He didn't give a sh...
They sue Kabul Yacht.
He became enlightened.
He fell on his ash.
You right a Czech.
An announcer said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a wiener!"
He flew off the Handel
Urine trouble.
He got tired. The man running behind the car -- he got exhausted.
You rub them the wrong way
Depends on what tune the Devil happens to be playing. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha.
They would have discovered Penicil(e )
They end up in a custardy battle.
RIP in box
It turned into a hexagon.
He got hurt from harmful rays
The dark knight rises
People got lit and turnt.
Sith happens.
A: The letter "m."
He gets stumped.
It chips.
The Rice-child was born.
You command vast powers beyond the scope of smaller minds, but to them all you do is wiggle your fingers and stuff just happens.
You have to get Alloy-er
He was foiled.
They get toad away.
I don't know, but it's not wreck-amended.
It rises because the rest of the fishes are crying :'(
You get your wife, truck, and land back.
you are turbanned
Urine big trouble...
He lost the plot.
They Fallout
Nothing, you can't cross a vector with a scaler.
They end up in a shallow grave.
The other plants have to photosympathize with it
You get Solar Morty and WOOOoooooo!
You don't know which witch is which!
They get BUCKED up!
What's the Difference between a tea bag and a used tampon - I dunno... - I'm never drinking tea at your house again then!
Oh wait, nevermind. I'm an idiot...*
The 12th floor.
The bride and all her guests, apparently.
A ghost toastie!
if you lay them right the first time, you can walk all over them for years.
Last year's winner of the blonde "hide and go seek" contest
The boy stumbles: "Well euhm ... nothing I guess." "Thanks, I'll have 2 million drops then"
Well I guess the flag's a big plus
On charges of battery.
He was charged with battery.
First ever president of Zimbabwe, President Banana
A presidestrian
He was trying to get her pedicure.
They're trying to destroy the evidence.