Because seven "ate" nine.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Because 7 ate 9
Because you get ate more
He ate it before it was cool.
because seven ate nine.
After the last dog they just ate.
Because he ate too much of them.
Ate something.
That was time consuming but I still want seconds.
When Eight ate eight
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
They both ate honey and they both have the same middle name.
Because 7 ate 9.
Because it only ate vegetables.
Ate Something! ("8 something", actually 8.306)
Because he ate his carrion.
Atilla the Hungry.
He ate a 5 year old weiner
because 7 ate 9.
Because Windows 7 ate 9.
Gladiator. (Glad he ate her)
Because she ate the secretary.
They conducted an in-turtle investigation.
Because 7 ate 9. Credit to a guy I work with.
he relished it
He got a taste of religion.
They ate all the dinosaurs
Why did the number 6 cry? Because 7 8 9. (7 ate 9)
I want Samoa!'
Gladiator Get it? Glad He Ate Her..
What happened to the cat when it ate a ball of wool? It had mittens
A baked potato.
They ate their dinner before it was cool.
Because Windows 7 ate 9!!! :D
The Caliph ate.
He ate someone who disagreed with him.
Because they get 8 (ate) more.
He went back 4 seconds.
He ate a 10 year old wiener.
I ate so many chickpeas, now I falafel.
A sticky Wicket.
He went on furlong-er.
Because mr mantis ate my skunk food.
Alien 2: Celebrating the existence of their mothers. Alien 1: I ate my mother. Alien 2: As did I.
Because 7 ate 9...
Because he ate too many crabs!
Because it only ate condensed milk !
Because he ate five fruits a day!
I ate sand.
He has claw marks on his forehead.
A: Because Robin ate the worms.
He only ate Catholics on Fridays!
He ate the dentist.
Lifeguard 2: Sad, I saw a bear in lake 1: How is that sad 2: He could bearly swim! 1:.. 2: He ate 3 campers
We ate Bill" OMG. How long were you in there "4 minutes"
He Went Back Four Seconds.
The egg because I ate egg for breakfast and chicken for dinner.
He ate himself!
Welp, seal ate her.
Bernadette ate all my dinner and now I'm starving !
Rest in **police**.
9 out of 10 zombies said "braaaaiiiiinnnnssss" number 10 ate the researcher.
DR DOG: *thinking back on all the homework he ate* It wasn't easy
He ate himself.
He ate a Pb and j sandwich I'd tell you another but all the good jokes argon
Because after they ate the clowns, nothing is funny.
5-year-old: Ninjas. Me: I didn't see them. 5-year-old: No one ever does. Checkmate.
Because she ate all the cookies and didn't know how to make a sandwich.
A: That hit the spot.
Because 7 ate 9 out
She ate her soup before it was cool
racist cannibal.
His bark was much worse than it's bite !
He watched movie Cast Away (starring Tom Hanks) and ate some potato chips.
A: She wants 8 (ate) more.
It ate some haywire!
You would rise and shine.
He ate his tacho.
He ate a Pb and J sandwich.
She laid a sidewalk !
Because seven ate nine.
Son:We'll see Son:how does the turkey smell Dad : I guess through its Beak
A: Down in the mouth!
He drank a lot of beer. He ate a lot of beans. *You love it.*
Because he ate his pillow.
Because he ate his ant for dinner!
Chewie (You have to be a Star Wars fan)
A. Your mother ate us out of house and home.
He got Pasta-toots.
He ate it quickly before the others could ask him to share.
Count Spatula
The Empty Plate...
Cancer :)
Cause I stepped on it.
A leaf blower
One they've never herbivore.
The club sandwich.
He's the one with the clean finger.