He was having a mid-life crisis
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
He was having his mid life crisis!
He was going through mid life crisis.
The mid-life crisis.
He was having a mid-life crisis.
They stay stuck in adolescence.
He was having a mid life crisis.
Too many cheetahs.
Because Africa isn't a country.
I mean cry me a river river right
I would feel awkward dancing to reggae music.
Her saying "I drink it black, like my men"
A chompion. (7-year old me thought he was very clever.)
Chubby 7th grade girls!
Cause eight reindeer and a sleigh are a lot quicker than 6 pigs and a stoneboat.
I don't know, I just fly the fighter jet.
Wanna go phishing
About 6 garbage bags and 30 gallons of formaldehyde.
Because he was having his mid-life crisis.
They'll always swallow
He's the one with the gold Rolex around his neck.