The Pirates always lose.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
All the dongs.
Fur traders.
The Pittsburgh Steelers
I may be blind, but I can see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Get back to me immediately and tell me if you love it or just like it.
Having a democratic debate in a city that was destroyed by over 50 years of democratic rule.
A: None. They only know how to destroy the taxpayers.
A: Wendy's!
Because if someone hit your peter with a pan, you'd fly too!!
xpost /r/meanjokes Every single shot at them is at a chink in their armor.
The Significant Others just want babies.
One is a group of immature internet trolls....and the other thinks it isn't.
Because they can't even...
They both have gold teeth and say "yo ho!"
The aye