They both want to unzip your genes! credit goes to Hank from CrashCourse on Youtube :)
He wanted to harm monica.
What I actually heard was "Do you want a fight "
OC It was an obvious faux paw. Credit: My wife's a dork.
Well because he had a horrible experience with windows. (credit to Neil Hamburger for this amazing joke)
People are'nt happy for you when you get loads of hits on your U-Haul.
One is a master debater. The other is a masterbater.
One second mom, I'm coming!
Are those my genes because I can definitely see myself in them."
the both want to unzip your genes. if you didnt get it: qid=20121209104938AAKihOC
Him : Um, ten bucks? Me : Like for WinZip. PS: Taken from
Unzip my pants and ask big bird