The baby grows up and learns to stop crying.
Everyone can roast beef, but no one can pea soup.
Eric Clapton would absolutely NEVER let an ounce of cociane fall 49 stories out a window onto the streets of New York.
Because it's mom was in a real jam.
You don't cry in your beer when the Irish song is playing.
I can ride my bike indoors and professor oak can't do anything to stop me.
Your dog, because it'll stop barking once you let it in.
They ones that go viral. I'll see my self out.
By growing up.
You can't unload a truck full of bowling balls with a pitchfork.
None. Once they shut up, no-one has any reason left to oppress them :)
A gun has one trigger.
E.T. learned English and wanted to go home
Holm School