One is a cunning bunch of runts and the the is a running bunch of.....nevermind.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
He tribe of pygmies is a cunning bunch of runts.
Pigmies are a cunning bunch of runts.
One is a runt with a cache.
One is a cunning group of runts.
One is a Cunning group of Runts.....
One is a cunning bunch of runts...
I'm at your service ma'am.
Because she wanted to get it off her chest.
Because all the ones who can run, jump or swim are ready in the US.
Well actually, I-ran
Ones a cunning runt...
Well, one's a cunning runt...
Ones filled with a bunch of baboons and the other just doesn't give a hoot during the day.
They didn't like the public displays of abstraction.
An incurable romantic.
One is a cunning runt.
A Chipmonk.
Ralph Neighder!
Fast and Furious 7
He didn't have all the 7" he kept talking about.
The gerbils are a bunch of cunning runts.
a lion or a gerbil The lion, because by virtue of being a lion, a lion is an expert on lions.