Between Mexico and the US.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
The Woof of Wall Street.
Wall Street
The hospital ran all out of patience
A: To have a CAT scan done.
A dog house, because a cat house has no woof!
Soak it in gasoline, hold a match up to it, and "woof!"
1% milk
Whole milk because he cares about all the milk and not just the top 1% milk!
Because the stock broker!
Bear claaaaaarrrrrwwwwwwss!!!
It was his only chance to see an Oscar
Depending what you're charged with can really effect how easily you're getting across.
Because I ran her over in the street.
Cheese Was! some old guy came up to me on the street and told me this one.
Because everyone that can run, swim or jump is in USA.
Because all the Mexicans who can swim well, jump high and run fast are in the United States.