Tag it NSFW and repost it.
Because on the left side of the brain there is nothing right and on the right side there is nothing left!
people without kids "Do you have to poop " -people with kids
My donation check to Feed the Children!
Uh...standby I'll check on that.
So the men can go on Reddit and repost this joke.
Dark Soles Terrible gaming pun. My friend posted this on FB, thought I would share.
When he was told to "go big or go home," he only had one option. (I've posted this joke here before, but I believe I've been the first, so if you recognize it as a repost it's because I wanted to tell it again!)
Hash with alot of Salt
Tigga please!" Sorry, I heard it years ago. I don't remember where or when but I've just been saying alot lately. :p
Baguette and tag it.