You can't unload sand with pitchforks.
I dont have a porsche. (Best told by whispering in someones ear.)
One's gotta pee.
To stop themselves sinking into the sand. Why did the ostrich stick its head in the sand To look at the camels who forgot to put their sandals on.
Because they'll get sand in their Schlitz.
Eventually the baby stops crying
Love doesn't burn. What's worst part about making love to a dead baby. Digging up the coffin. How long does take to play hide and seek with a dead baby? It depends how small the pieces are.
Baby's because you can use a pitchfork
A pitchfork
You can't unload bowling balls with a pitchfork.
You can't unload the truck full of bowling balls with a pitchfork.
You cant unload the bowling balls with a pitchfork!