gun hangs head & turns around
A: Twenty. 1 to hold the bulb 2 to turn the ladder and 17 to be on the guest list.
No one bats an eye if you use chemicals to remove polish, but if you use chemicals to remove the Polish, most of the world will turn against you
He was looking for a porpoise. (thought this one up but I doubt I was the first one that did.)
Exchange him.
Hang ten dude!!
Me: I love you. 911: Hang up. Me: No you hang up. 911: Stop. Me: This is so us.
Pupil: I did I shook my head Teacher: You don't expect me to hear it rattling from here do you !
When you drop a load in a washing machine it doesn't text you every hour for a week.
A frog in a blender.
More guns.