It must need Osteo-per-o-sis" Love it.
You don't know how many centimeters you'll get, neither how long will it last.
Because a strike only requires one ball while a spare requires two balls
A: Because Noah was standing on the deck!
when Tony Iommi is standing right next to him, alive and well.
Student: A variable who don't need no man
A lightsabre
The woman replies, "I'll take a double entendre." So he gave it to her.
Let me count the ways... Five.
Student: H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O. Teacher: That's not what I taught you. Student: But you said the formula for water was...H to O.
A carb-o-rater
I just booked a cook for cooking the books."
It's tough to stand on your own when you have no spine.
A: Whats this new apple product I keep hearing about? B: Which one? A: the I-sis