A runner in scoring position.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
The real joke is always in the comments!"
Eyyyy, Garry, didn't know you turned into a hotdog stand too! Eyyyy!
Have him stand against a wall.
A solmate
Poor, Old, Niagga, Thinks, It's, A, Cadillac. Ba dum tssss
Because if they didn't they'd fall over.
For being out standing in his field.
One stood for something
Stand back! I don't know how big it's going to get!
When he's standing next to your girlfriend saying her hair smells nice
Couple's Daily Question Mug
They both tell the audience what they are glad to hear. But at the end, the audience laughs at the comic, and the politician laughs at the audience.
Because they're easy to push around and never stand up for themselves
Hold On, Not Done Accelerating.
Go Outside
Black man working
It's tough to stand on your own when you have no spine.
Antique machinery
Because they're two tired
Teacher: Why are you late? Student: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill. Teacher: That's nice. Were you helping him look for it? Student: No. I was standing on it.
because they can't stand up for themselves!
One of them is a flimsy thing that refuses to stand up on it's own. The other is a medical condition.
He's out standing in his field
Go stand in front of a mirror
It wouldn't stand up in court
A wind tunnel.
The Aylmao.
But we'll never know, because he can't stand up?
Pro-state cancer.
Amburgers & Woot Beer! Edit: Thanks to my dad for this one.
When he stands next to your girlfriend and says her hair smells nice.
So they can stand closer to the kitchen counter.
Because he nuts and bolts.
Because he's always standing by The Edge.
It was out standing in its field!
When he sits down it takes too long to get back up.
One. He stands in place while the whole world revolves around him.
You just stand in a corner, they are usually around 90 degrees.
Because its two tyred
His vision was based on movements.
Fix It Again Tony
Because you need to be 21 to get in.
Where are the udders? (Thanks to my three boys for that one!)
Because they don't have a leg to stand on. Note: I'm a right leg amputee and I made this up myself.
Because she couldn't stand him.
The earth revolves around me.
Stand up!
He wanted to be on time.
You usually want to stand at a corner, they're around 90 degree's xD
Literally everyone I ask doesn't know.
You never know when she'll Let it Go.
Benoit B. Mandelbrot
For the watch
He had no leg to stand on.
Reddit: Re-Downvote Downvote it.
Ask them what OP stands for.
Four. One to change the bulb, three to stand around so he has someone to hi-five after.
Ereptile Dysfunction.
Dead In A Nasty Accident.
A round of applause ...because they all have the clap.
A barbie queue (BBQ)! Also, I made a quick sketch on my iPad. I found the genesis to this joke as a text note in my Evernote this morning, after what seemed like a night of free flow beers. Feel free to downvote me to oblivion.
Mental Abuse To Humans
He hadn't got a leg to stand on.
A: A wind tunnel.
Because she was out standing in her field.
Someone who is out-standing in his field!
So they can stand closer to the sink.
A stand up guy
It's two tired.
An ambulance.
I can't stand being in this
None, they just stand around complimenting it, and get mad when it won't screw.
Read all the other threads. I need new content. The old stuff is getting, well old. Here's my contribution. Have you head of the new drinking game? The mike brown special: stand there and take 12 shots. What's the difference between mike brown and a college kid? College kids can handle more shots before they fall down.
Cause he can't do stand-up.
He was always out standing.
None, they just all stand around complaining that it won't screw!
I nominate Chris Rock's Never Scared.
Because it's two-tired
A receding hare line!
Because corners are
To teach women how to stand on their hind legs.
Six: one to screw it in and five to cheer him on loudly while standing in front of other people's bulbs so no one can see them.
because he's covering an erection!
I stand corrected." -From
He couldn't stand all the racket!
She couldn't stand making Kermitments
Don't stand so close to me.
Stand in a corner, corners are 90 degrees
It was too tired.
Benot B. Mandelbrot
So women know where to stand in the kitchen.
They are out standing in their field.
Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Son:We'll see Son:how does the turkey smell Dad : I guess through its Beak
Mom! I want to play GTA V! Giant Turtles ATTACK V!
He wanted to see time fly!
Wanna go ride bikes
She burns most of her calories jumping to conclusions.
Answer in comments so you can fully appreciate the joke)
Reddit Old
None. They can't climb the ladder.
One to unscrew it, and one to hold the ladder.
A: Because he wanted to be walled-in.
To prove that he was framed!
Obviously, I was thinking I was gonna get away with it and not have to explain it
Mentally in-stable.
A raceist