Because people get nervous when Mohammad starts counting down from 10.
She starts her sentance with "A man once told me"
Is that to differentiate from the tunacow and tunagiraffe
Rock is playing three chords for a thousand people. Jazz is playing a thousand chords for three people.
Hey Microsoft, why is there no Windows 9? You've given us 7 and 8, and now you're skipping straight to 10?" "Well, to be completely honest, 7 8 9."
Friend: 9 Me: 9? I'll give her one..
He could not get past the tree!
Me: Like 4 maybe. 5 tops. Wife: I counted 19. Me: Well I rounded down.
Witch 2: "I get a lot of hexercise."
They sit eggsaminations !
A milk sheikh
milk sheikh
Hammad. What do you call a VERY drunk Muslim? Mohammad.