If he was going to be Impotent he wanted to look impotent. (important)
Let's be avenue.'
A: He wanted rich milk.
Hey, guys, look what I can do!"
They look kinda shady to me
It won't be there
A Pencil cause he's full of lead!
So weird having men walk around in suits and half ties.
This might be better suited for but I think its more a joke Cats have claws at the ends of it's paws commas haves pauses at the ends of its clause.
None because they go barefoot.
A Casualty (Casual-Tee, as in Tee-Shirt) 100% Guraneed Originality You can know for sure I made it up because of how corny it is...
A seedless, vegetable.
Because he wanted to look mptnt
If he was going to be impotent he wanted to look impotent.