Big Red, dawg.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Dey both sinna, mon!
Britney asked to be hit one more time..
Mayonnaise doesn't hit the back if my girlfriend's throat at 60 miles per hour.
De mentor.
A gingerbreadmon.
Me: Up dawg Person: What is that Me: What is what Person: Whats up dawg Me: nothing much hbu Person: ...
The New York Mankeys!
A: A baseball team
You can feel his presents ...
MIKE: We'll have a boo Christmas without you.
GOP" is onomatopoeic: it's the sound of anonymous penetration in public bathrooms late at night. -&y
I mean it's not like you see school librarians seeing a student use Wikipedia on one of the computers and puts them in detention for "attempted plagiarism"
they both can get 16 shoved down their throat without choking
Me: I do.
Don't talk with someone in your mouth.
The kind of soldier that's always shooting his mouth off.