These Boots Are Made For Walken.....
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Because he's always Walken
In the Walken closet.
Because he was a car-case.
Pig-up trucks!
One drove all the snakes from Ireland, the other drove away all of the Native Americans.
By occident
3. One to screw it in, the next to claim credit and the third to be a bot that reposts.
The sock under my bed. (I don't remember where I heard it. Can't claim ownership.)
Police Navidad.
Dave: I wish I was rich. Genie: Granted, what's your second wish Rich: I want lots of money.
A director's cut
Tequila Mockingbird. (X-post )
Everything there is recycled, including this post.
Sir Pent...
The tale of a rat.
Hidden Run.
Terrorists blow them selves up at camp on accident