Pi * z * z * a
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
If you find a rare Pepe drawn the disk.
It got shelved.
A dal-martian
A: Look for only $87 billion we can put up this chain of fluorescent satellites that will illuminate the whole planet.
Pupil: To keep vampires off the Internet Teacher: But there aren't any vampires on the Internet Pupil: See It works doesn't it
Because you want them to work don't you
If you don't know you must lose a lot of mail.
Art ...floating in the sea Bob ...laying on the floor Matt ...down in a hole Phil ...sitting in a pot Stu ...
Their teacher told them not to use tables!
A: On a map!
Well done.
You boil the hell out of it.
A flat minor.
Shoot the guy that's pushing it