Why cant they just throw stuff while screaming "stay away from me!"
Bear: "Gin............ and tonic." Bartender: "Why the big pause " Bear: "I dont know my dad had them too."
He has a big E on his pajamas.
They throw one cigarette overboard, which make the boat a cigarette lighter.
Pa-Ra-Bo-La (do doooo do dodo)
You command vast powers beyond the scope of smaller minds, but to them all you do is wiggle your fingers and stuff just happens.
Because his nose was stuffed
Someone who stays up at night wondering if there really is a dog.
You stay here, I'll go on ahead...."
Jacket Chan
Kung food (Don't hurt me, I know it's bad)
The noble gases, because they can't form bonds
Because the devil takes many forms.
The same bad guys! Billion dollar film franchise.