Its a part Tide
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Because is a raeli good country
A final solution
Mountain Dew.
They surf the Net On Yahoo.
A valid target.
Iron condome
Ariel Sharon
This month they had Sukkot (the festival of tabernacles) It was pretty "in tents".
A: A trip to Israel.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Same reason children don't attack their parents...
A: Because they keep accidentally deleting their copies of the blonde joke list.
The www.erewolf.
Jiu Jitsu.
It can turn "No, no no!" into "mmph, mmmph, mmmph"
Because she had a pun in the oven!
Hippies don't screw in light bulbs, they screw in tents.
Because it's in tents.
Lindt choclate.
The Laundry
Yahoo. There goes my baby.
Change their name to past tense, WASWAS.
I'm sorry, it's confidential.