Would you pull that crap with a net?
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
They surf the Net On Yahoo.
It's not a too-nah!"
The www.erewolf.
www.oody www.oodpecker.
They keep getting caught in the net!
They don't like to get too close to the net!
He says "All net."
Becca the net !
A football net !
It wanted to get to the other site !
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
A: Because they keep accidentally deleting their copies of the blonde joke list.
She sat on it.
Pupil: You told me to put it in the Net.
Because my marks are all 'E's.
They don't like getting close to the net!
Pupil: Fire Earth Water and the Internet. Teacher: What do you mean the Internet Pupil: Well Mum says that whenever I'm on the Net I'm in my element.
Well man it's been reel.
The www.izard of Oz.
Net profits !
Because they use "net" profits
Because Boston has all the cups!
Behind the Maple Leafs' net.
Cause they would whistle on the way down
It doesn't need cleaning
17: It was fun. The cops came. Me: What 17: Nah, it's cool. We got away. Me: That's my girl.
Nah, I'm still working on it.
He's got a gangsta's pair a dice.
They are both full of crap.
The Lyre.
They're fun guys!
Because they always steal doubloons
An Orcastra
On Whale Weigh Scales.