In a church you see pew, pew pew. In a mosque you hear pew pew pew.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
I don't know, I just fly the drones.
Because religions don't like competing with an invisible power that actually works.
Muslim, because they go to a mosque...ito. Sorry.
I don't know I just fly the drones
I don't know man, I just fly the drones.
You can't. A mosquito is a vector and the mountain climber is a scaler. Courtesy of my physics professor.
zika blyat
He was too ghoul for school
They both won when neither of them were competing against black people!
Because no church wants to compete with an invisible power that actually works.
Allahminium! Since Muslims cant desecrate anything with Allah on it!
Silly, Muslim Women aren't allowed to screw in light bulbs.
Me: One who knows how to fix elevators.
Because they can't compete with an invisible power that actually exists