The quality of the sandwich.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
There's already handicapped stalls.
Because he's a transparent. Apologies if I could've worded it different.
One is living in a spaceship and one is living a lie.
Having the women inside of you telling you what to do.
Speed bump ahead
Because he higher and higher. (I translated the joke from Dutch, and yeah it's supposed to not make any sense, it just sounds funny, in Dutch at least. :-$)
little cis
A Trans Pacific Partnership
A trans pacific partner ship.
Only one. But they have to sit in the dark room for a year, first, to make sure that the lightbulb is out.
Ain't no merci
Himshey's chocolate...
Ya get it Hooked on Phonics!
Ever seen a fish spend a fortune trying to hook a human?
Girl: My place, 250...your place 400!
The Ex Men.
None! In Soviet Russia, light bulb changes you!
We're on our sixth.