The Ultra Sound guy. Who is it when he's not there? The Hip Replacement guy.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
The Hip Replacement Guy.
The ultra-sound guy. Who takes over when hes on holiday? The hip-replacement guy
The Ultra-sound guy..... Who covers him when he's not available The hip replacement guy!
The ultra sound guy. And who covers when hes off sick The hip replacement guy.
The hip replacement guy. /dad
Donor Kebab
Larry Hogan gets back from the hospital.
After you leave the religion, you rest in peace.
well, the movie ended so
A. "Because sheep would be too obvious"
A. He can throw a set into the middle of a pond and not hit any of the ducks.
The ultrasound man.
She pronounces 'Kansas' like the second part of 'Arkansas'
Girl: "No, eight black men and a gun."
The one who can bring his friends two cups of coffee and a dozen donuts.
The one that can carry 2 cups of coffee and a dozen donuts
A bramble bee !
Covers tracks
Cause nice guys always finish last.