One? Or two?
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Oculus Prime.
When you can't.
They have a good sense of aqueous humor.
Because they're too cornea.
Better like this ... or better like this
1 or 2? 1... or 2?
A: More guns.
none, PETA can't change anything.
An optical Aleutian.
She didn't, it was just an Aleutian.
Asif Eyecare
Because he can see the D
An optical Aleutian. I actually made this one up. But if someone else said it first, I wouldn't be surprised.
Twelve. Three to Physically Change the Bulb, Three to Talk About How Complicated it Was and Six to Call themselves Electricians.
2. 1 to change the light bulb, the other to take pictures.
2. One to change it, and another to shoot him and take the credit.
Because there used to be 2 of them, but it's offensive to joke about that now.
An iglooser
Oh no, my ice cracked!
A helium polymer. HeHeHeHeHe