Have you tried turning it off and back on?
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Just one but he has to coordinate ten other professionals who are doing this quiet complicated task.
An empty playground
The porbeagle.
Because it's probably your bike. Why would you throw a rock at a black man riding a bike? Because it's probably your black man.
I think his riding style is pretty dope.
Dill or No Dill
Novak Chokeovic
A: I dunno, but if it bites you, you can ride it to the hospital!
A tiger moth !
So women know where to stand in the kitchen.
No one knows it's never happened.
He heard it had de y flavor.
Because all the rice is gone, and three hours later, they are still trying to back out of your driveway.
Because everyone who can run, jump, or swim is already across the boarder
They were his best fronds.