Once more into the breech, dear friends
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
He went M.I.A. *Cut to Jim* All I wanna do *bang bang bang bang* *reloading noise* And shoot enemies
With paper clips.
He was in charge of refresh mints.
Reload and shoot again.
A disposable camera doesn't have to reload 3 times to take 30 shots.
A school bus full of black people driving off a cliff
Ten tickles
Waiter: The cheesebur- Me: WRONG! *points to the picture I drew on it of Ironman fighting Darth Vader*
A Shatbook.
Because they crack under pressure.
Char-Jar Binks
Reload, take better aim.
Will the defendant please rise !
The stepmother, because sometimes you want to hit her, even though you shouldn't
A Step-Stool
They're both made up.
Abort - Bort - Bort!
One's a cunning runt.....
God doesn't walk around thinking he's a doctor.