Because they look for contributors to open sores.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
It had to carry the new Ghostbusters movie for almost two hours.
In case you hadn't noticed, the color of the wind is 'blew.' Water always looks 'wet' to me. Dirt is oviously 'dirty.' Soup seems 'soupy.' If you can't find those Crayons in your box, contact CRAYOLA.
They're both usually found with beer and inbred. -&y (written by moi)
Waitress: Fifty cents. Girl: How much is refill Waitress: The first is free. Girl: Well then I'll have a refill.
He made them Batman.
The steaks were getting too damn high.
Because the rancher was a cattlist.
X-post r/landscaping) Yoshino!!!
So he could hide in the cherry tree.
By taking the integral of the acceleraptor!
I'm a little dino-sore.
Because she used the other to sing
The bicycle tire doesn't sing when you put chains on it.
A dino-sore
He likes to keep things low key.
They like to stay anony-moose