Thought of this one on my own while playing WoW a couple days ago and I'm pretty sure it hasn't been told before. I like corny jokes. I Googled it and didn't find anything (:
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Doesn't matter. They'll just nerf darkness next patch instead.
Cause he been solo.
Kissing strangers.
Because they don't appreciate random people knocking on their door.
Including dirty nursery rhymes.
Dr. Dre
steer clear
Ford was my best friend.
From a distance they look like hares!
An unconvicted felon.
John Cena.
Boo, DUH!!!
You seamstressed.
you seamstressed
They're angry since Froogle was discontinued years ago!
Allah them. (I googled several varations and thus far I believe I am the originator)
Because it was turned on!
So that they have something to pick in the off-season.