The washing machine doesn't follow me around for a week after I dump a load in it.
Tiger Woods had a better driver!
About two weeks.
Having to drop the bomb on them twice before they get it.
The last time I dumped a load into the washing machine, she didn't follow me around for a week!
Elron Hubbard
Do they follow territorial boundaries? If the Kaos Kommandos start a brawl in El Paso and it rolls over into Juarez, do they say "screw it, let Justice League of Mexico handle it"? (Sorry if this isn't technically a joke; it was my shower thought this morning and I thought it was funny.)
Juice Jenner. I'll be here all week
Well that got a load off my mind.
When you dump a load in the washer, it will not follow you around for two months.
You can throw your load in a washing machine and it won't follow you around for two weeks afterward
A wash and wear wolf
A: So he could look like his mama.