Me: How do you know what weed smells like ! Busted, mister! You're grounded for a week. Dad: Okaayy :(
Because when you're a carpenter in the desert you can't get wood.
ITT: comments about my dink, and people who can't search
Get out of my son!"
Lawn mooers! My 12 year old sister made this up... She out dad joked me..and I'm a dad!
Kermit the Frog's finger.
A nose
A man sees that his neigjhbnour doesn't have his wheeled trash bin. "Hey bub, where's ya bin" "I took a little vacation for a few weeks," "No. I meant where's your bin?" "Told ya, vacation, at the beach!" "No man. Where's ya wheely bin?" "Ok, fine! I've wheely been to jail! Happy now?"
When I drop a load in the washing machine it doesn't follow me around for a week.
You get stoned.
Throw it on the ground and tamp on it.
said Jane. "I thought elephants stayed on the ground !"
He was trying to bust a move
You bust a nut