Because if it had four it'd be a chicken sedan.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A chicken sedan.
Because if it had 4 doors it'd be called a chicken sedan. (better if saying it out loud because of the spelling of coop/coupe) -
Because if they had four they'd be called chicken sedans!
Because if they had 4 doors, it'd be considered a chicken sedan!
Two. If there were four, it would be a chicken sedan
Because if it had 4 it would be a chicken sedan
Because if they had four, they would be chicken sedans
Publicly traded stock will mature and make money.
she wanted to trade the coop for a sedan..
If it had 4 doors it'd be a chicken sedan.
Because God is black.
The tender ones (Badum Tss)
Cause otherwise they'd be going to pound town.
Cause 7 is a six offender
A coop.
It just escaped from a coop.
Hubs: With the door locked. Me: She means how do we manage...but yeah.
Her: 44&66 HARDER!
In case he got a hole-in-one!
A chicken sedan