Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Heelium! I'll see myself out now...
Lithium and Iron
They lack the element of supplies
because romance is not the only element of life, we should also know horror, terror, suspense, irony, stupidity and tragedy of life!
Pupil: Fire Earth Water and the Internet. Teacher: What do you mean the Internet Pupil: Well Mum says that whenever I'm on the Net I'm in my element.
The element of some fries.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
They barium.
A: Because if you can't Curium or Helium them, you Barium!
League of Legends. Because they know drama.
They can't defend towers.
The chemist may frown.
They never want to log off.
Because they climb into tins close the lid and leave teh key outside !
A graduated cylinder!
Because there is no oxygen and they'd die from UV radiation, you idiot.
Because he was the rightful heir
Thousands of brown loafers
Pupil: I'd be too polite to mention it !
Pupil: Nobody I know!