Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
The Darth Mall!
With a pair of Caesars. (Thanks )
Because they couldn't find the droid they were looking for
With a pair of caesars
With a pair of Caesars.
Why would you buy a chair or couch you can't even sit in What if it has burlap cushions stuffed w/hay
Is that to differentiate them from the all those actresses that only play walls and bits of furniture
He's such a wookie pilot. I had three Star Wars jokes prior to this. But none were any good.
A wookiee talkie.
Obi-Wan Kenobi.
An air mattress.
They grab the stack of un-signed adoption papers, stand on top of them, then proceed to change the light bulb.
Me: Her stepsisters make her. 5: She should just buy a Roomba.
One is cos(o), the other is Kosovo
Once your stack of Ottomans gets to a certain height it will fall over.
I would've gotten second if it weren't for you medaling kids.
I stopped butchering goats.