Gets jalapeno business!
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Jalapeno business
jalapeno business!
Jalapeno business! ha ha.. haha.. ha love this joke (Usually accompanied with three snaps of the fingers in the shape of the letter Z and moving my head from side to side)
Jalapeno Business...........
Because they're jalapeno business!
Because they get jalapeno business.
They're jalapeno business
If you don't cool down, I'm going to get jalapeno business
They always get jalapeno business!
When he's jalapeno business!
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
They get Jalapeno business!
He's jalapeno business
cause they're jalapeno business
Because she is always jalapeno business.
Because it was the hottest pepper.
They get jalapeo business. :)
Being given head.
A Ghost Pepper.
Cuz he's jalapeno .business
The University of Minnesoda
Because pepper makes them sneeze
I like your belt. Ok, ok. I know it's elementary, but I still love it.
Lady: I forgot the name, but is starts with 'T'. Sardar: Oh, what a strange car, starts with Tea. All cars that I know start with petrol.
They were Snowden.
When other people put two fingers in his honey.
Feeling a little horse.