walking. JK ROLLING
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Running... JK rolling
Walking Jk rolling
I will tell you how in my next post- Jk the answer's in one of the comments, look through every single one and you are destined to discover the answer.
DOCTOR: You've got cancer. ME: WHAT ! DOCTOR: Haha. Jk. I'm not a doctor.
Walking. Edit: JK rolling.
By walking... jk rolling
By walking...... JK Rowling
Steven King. JK Rowling.
Joh Steinbeck - who wrote 'The Apes of Wrath!'
On foot, how else? JK Rowling
Gee, it's hard to say, although he did seem pretty shaken up about it.
Because all they do is look down at people.
Open it, if there's a 'd' in it, it's a fridge.
As soon as you open it, you realize it's half empty.
Tsunami Warning
Because it was down hill!
Out of bounce.
A nun rolling down a hill.
Because it was making him moody.
So that he didn't have to buy a winter coat.
See ewwww later!
Getting the news from your dentist