Racism has many faces.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Racism has many faces...
racism has many faces
No Racism please !
That's where we keep them chained up.
A school bus full of black people (Sorry for racism, it is just a joke, nothing personal)
He racism.
When you start them, they made the sound "runnnniganiganiganiga" Sorry for the racism, but had to share this.
Racism has many faces
Black women.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
because, only whites are racist.
Because racism is a crime, and crime is for black people.
His son with your DVD player! I mean no racism in this joke*
His cousin with the DVD player
Because it's white & on their land.
The coming of the Lord.
Chicken Caesar salad.
She answered the waffle iron. How did she burn the other side? They called back.
Original Jokes.
He said Nein My dads jokes are the wurst I tell you.
With no legs.
Bat man can go a whole night without robin
Because every mexican that can run, jump, or swim is already in America.
Make America good again."
That's no whey to go through life, son.
You. Why I oughta...! Edit: Wow, thanks for all the love. My son is quite the character and he really caught me off guard with this!
The last black man to have a dream got shot.
Because it has a little Seoul in it.