a small loan of a million dollars"
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
With a small loan of a million dollars.
A small loan of a million dollars.
small loan of 100 million dollars
Someone who spray paints on a chain link fence.
Well, line up so that I can find out..
The patients get better and leave. Not everyone of the patients thinks he is God. The staff have the keys!
Girl2: I was complimented on my driving today. Someone left a note on my windshield that said "Parking Fine"
Be a Viktor, then you are Devinitely In
Throw a dollar bill in the floor and let the last one alive run for president.
Dark humor
Write it down.
Here's what she said to me: GO TO SLEEP.
He turned a leaf and made an entry.
When it's turned into the teacher.
Ho, tell me where my money is!
Cashearing! (Joke I made up last night at work, so be gentle with me)
Because it was a Number 2.
She replied 'oh, two or three' Now I know why her marriage didn't last long