Because it's a stereo type
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Because they made the Playstasian
When the train announces an arriving "Station", you can see it.
He stopped believing in stereotypes.
Because it's always Sony in Philadelphia!
Yeah... Lets blame Sony.
Sony Playstation
Well done, old Jap.
Crack it before they hack it.
Madagascar, because all their ports are closed.
Speak now or forever hold your pee!"
Because he couldn't pronounce Miss Philippines.
It's a wildly successful game that only has straight, white main characters (I stole this joke from somewhere but am not allowed to say where)
He was convicted of fragrancy.
One are Walkers and the others just Lays around.
The teacher says, "Spit out your gum," but a train says, "Chew chew!"
With a crowbar.
None. They just blame feminism for the darkness.
When he found out, Santa shouldn't have gotten mad, he only had his elf to blame. Now Santa won't forgive him until elf freezes over.