Take away it's credit cards.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A Czech Republic
Your credit card.
You take away its credit card
A credit card.
They don't understand the concept of charging.
Son of a..
Employee: Electricity, Gas, Cable, Credit Card.
Me: Probably through my credit card. 5: what Me: what
Because the thief was spending less than his wife.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Take away its credit card!*** wa-waa-waaaa! Skip
Take away his credit card.
Take away it's credit cards !
Sony Playstation
Take away their credit cards so they can't charge
They never understood the concept of piggy banks.
I think we're in sink."
The woman in church has hope in her soul... The woman In the bathtub has soap in her hole.
In the West Bank
Any 4 numbers in a row."
A difference of a pinion!
They have no hands to knock on the door.
She heard that the drinks were on the house.
Adobe-Wan Kenobi
If we use towels just to dry ourselves after washing off dirt and what not. Why do they get dirty??
You spend 10 hours a day doing nothing but clearing lines.
Because...bros before hose!