Peking duck. (it came to mind over dinner... I thought I would share the pain with everyone)
The police came and took statements but ultimately Mrs. Claus declined to press charges. OC
A. The cold shoulder.
Do they really think someone will take it Do you think I should wash it first
A snowfake.
He was looking for Pooh.
One trains the mind the other minds the train.
Never mind, I'll escalator
A baby in the microwave :)
Supperman. Or his kid Soup-erman. One just gets to dinner on time and the other is really good and making soup. E: I thought of it in it in a dream so thats why its not so good
Kids: WE DO! YAY!
Somebody who stays up all night torturing himself mentally over the question whether or not theres a dog.
When you start them, they made the sound "runnnniganiganiganiga" Sorry for the racism, but had to share this.
Because he's a pain in the neck.
In Hertz.
No Peking!
I'm only Peking.