Gigahurts. (Came up with this in the car on my way to school hopefully its original)
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
the tyranno-sorest rex
No gain no pain.
A masochrist.
Peking duck. (it came to mind over dinner... I thought I would share the pain with everyone)
Because it has a carpool tunnel.
A POPstar. HAHAHAHA. Living is pain. Unbearable. End me.
Because they chew balls.
Because he was pain in the neck!
A pain in the arse.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
One causes a lot of pain and makes a constant high pitched whine. The other is a useful piece of medical equipment.
Shoot him again.
Its a life of pain
It pains them to have standards.
He heard they were Pro-Pain.
He felt pain.
One roars with pain and the other pours with rain.
In Hertz.
Anything to ease the pain.
Cause hes a pain in the neck.
Because he's a pain in the neck.
Women: It started at 7:45am on Monday while I was at work Men: Sometime between yesterday and 1997
Ouchwitz >say ouch when offended or in pain >Witz is the German word for joke >sounds like auschwitz
Anatole me you're a pain in the neck !
A flossiraptor
A widow
Don't you know its rude to stick your finger in your ear when I'm talking to you !
Munnu : It went good, but lastly they asked me show them my testimonial. Chunnu : So Munnu : I think I showed them the wrong thing.
Because they're shellfish
Straight talk.
Offshore investment gains a better return.
Bernadette ate all my dinner and now I'm starving !
Nothing. She's dead.
Because their liquor is strong and their women are hairy.
Because he was Snowden.
Auschwitz. 1.3 million stars.