You can make soldiers out of toast!
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
No gain no pain.
Apparently, 84 isn't enough.
Philippe Philoppe
Philippe Philoppe.
Blaze it.
Nobody knows because they've never tried
Eau myyyyyyyy....
I don't know. They've never tried.
Eau de Toilette! (eww, the toilet)
Couple's Daily Question Mug
A referee
Pierre to Pierre.
You don't speak English fourchette!
Mine is this: How do you pick out the Frenchmen in a room full of naked soldiers? They're the ones with sunburned armpits.
Just one to hold it in place while the rest of Europe runs circles around it.
Because one egg is un oeuf.
A French Fried
Phillipe Floppe Courtesy, my Neuroscience Prof.
A bonne heure.
Because he was a bigette.
No one knows, it's never been done before
One, because that's an Oeuf.
He French-kissed a power outlet
There are skid marks in front of the dog.
You use tulips.
Because it's the first date.
They need it to shoot themselves in the foot.
We don't know, they've never tried it.
Hey, wanna get blazed?
Because they drown at their own wealth Edit: I got down voted :( I thought of that in my head and just wanted to share it
The stepmother, because sometimes you want to hit her, even though you shouldn't
A natural log
A policeman doing his duty!
What are we going to do now, Pierre
AND which is worse. . . the overdoing of selfies OR not knowing how to use the English language