A chicken crossing Ethiopia. What's the second fastest animal ... The ethiopian chasing it.
To hunt for their food.
By putting flowers on the grave.
Clay Aiken.
None. They just hold it in the socket and expect the world to revolve around them.
To get to your house... Knock, knock. Who's there? The chicken.
Because a tuna can!
Just for the halibut.
Someone who stays up all night wondering if there really is a dog.
They both came in a little behind.
Second Caribou: Evel Boll Weevil.
10 after 1
What do you call a man chasing a car? -Exhausted What do you call a man being chased by a car? -Tired
Glue bread to the ceiling.
Carve a turkey
Because it is using steroids.
The Ethiopian chicken.