If you have a star, you are getting chased.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
It doesn't like Cats.
Because he was trying to make both ends meet.
Eeyore, he's always chasing that tail.
What do you call a man chasing a car? -Exhausted What do you call a man being chased by a car? -Tired
More storage space.
Because she wanted the D. (I dreamed this joke last night. Not bad for a dream joke.)
It was being chased by the kluck kluck klan
The PGA tour.
So he could make ends meet!
A bull dog !
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Because her Mum wouldn't leopard be a shepherd
Five after one.
Snow Petrol!
For the same reason dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving...
He was just chasing tail.
Because he was in first place.
said Jane. "I thought elephants stayed on the ground !"
He wanted to chase the catfish!
Because his e-dog kept chasing the e-postman.
A: Five after one.
Chasing a car. After running from a car you'll just be tired, but after chasing one you'll be exhausted.
They don't move to different spots you know. It's pretty much just right there.
A: He's been chasing parked cars.
We're raising mashed potatoes.
A dog that chases cars - and catches them !
A chicken crossing Ethiopia. What's the second fastest animal ... The ethiopian chasing it.
This is the end.
Chase it round the garden
Because I'm tired of running and he's catching up....
To golf the golf ball size hail and catch the baseball size hail
To ketchup Edit: I'm sorry
A: From chasing cars.
Both end up with you being chased by the police if you go too fast.
It chases parked cars !
10 after 1
They make like Dr. Jekyll and Hyde!
The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving.
A. From chasing parked ambulances.
I stole an ostrich, it chases me around the house all day, i hate it
The PGA Tour.
So the police know what to shoot at during a chase
One that chases fowls.
A: They want to make ends meet.
Chasing parked cars.
I'm a cashew!
Student: A teacher!
Because it increases the average IQ of the world. It's a public service.
To get to the other... *sigh*
Qu Qu Qu
Because Intermediate value theorem
Because I ran her over in the street.
Did they release a GTA Go
Bed wedding.
The one with a dream was shot.
An animal that barks at low flying aircraft !
Put him on fire.