Having to go inside and ask to borrow a coat hanger
cut to me filling my car with tomato soup* Me: Um... A fast one.
You have an ax-i-dent (accident).
O.K. you asked for it" the salesman said as he gave him a good belt.
It asked the digital watch for its hand in marriage.
They add another coat.
Self-Raising flour.. I'll get my coat.
It never happens just once.
It's never ending.
A: He held up a pair of pants.
Lock them both in the trunk of your car for an hour. Guess who is happy to see you when you open the trunk
There isn't one.
A turkey.
Student: I don't know. Teacher: Of course, you do. Where do you get sugar from Student: We borrow it from our neighbor.
You don't let your friends borrow your Lamborghini.